Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tuesday Bike Ride

After the epic bike rides of this weekend and the 70+ degree weather in Boulder this week, I decided to go on a bike ride this morning on the Surly. The route is here, I went counterclockwise:

This was around a 40 mile loop, and I've always wanted to give it a shot. The Surly is my enabler.

I met my buddy Ben from the Computer Science department at 8 AM at the corner of Broadway and Baseline. We then rode on up Flagstaff summit. The insane steepness towards the top was definitely difficult, I had forgotten how steep it is. Plus the Surly doesn't have as wide a range of gearing as the Bianchi, so I really had to grind away. Ben is a serious biker, it was nice to ride with someone who can really fly up the hills. Here is the view this morning of the Front Range near the summit of Flagstaff:

After reaching the summit, the road descends into a valley and you ride through rolling hills for a bit. Eventually, I got the dirt road where I needed to turn, and said goodbye to Ben as his road bike can't handle the dirt. To my surprise, there is a big reservoir back here with an impressive dam:

I rode on this dirt while for quite sometime, not a single car came by although there were some houses scattered about. All of a sudden, I popped out on Highway 72, my ticket back to Boulder. There was also a liquor store with a sweet wooden bear out front at this intersection, but I missed him in the photo:

I took this road back into Boulder, its maybe another 20 miles but pretty much all down hill so it went quickly. Here is a photo of Denver after popping out of the canyon:

Here is the canyon I popped out of:

A photo of the Flatirons on my way back into town:

This is pretty much the ideal Tuesday morning, I recommend you try it! I also found this sweet feature of Google's that allows you to store photos on the web and its syncs with iPhoto and its free! Go to picasaweb.google.com

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