Wednesday, December 5, 2007

How Money Works

Watch the five-part videos below that I have posted. They explain how the world's monetary system currently works. It is absolutely fascinating and completely INSANE. Its about a 43 minutes investment to watch all the videos, but I think its totally worth it, I had no idea this was how it worked.

If anyone actually watches this leave a comment so I have someone to discuss this with...


Stephen Robbins said...

One reason I like Ron Paul is because he's actually opposed to the Federal Reserve! Most people don't even know what it is or that it's unconstitutional and controlling our lives.

James said...

Interesting stuff. I've always hated the idea of deficit spending and debts and stuff like that. It really destroys your capabilities. I read somewhere (or somebody told me) that the main reason you see less protests and activities from young people today is that they are all eaten up by the credit card companies. Already at 20 they're in debt and therefore have to be more career minded to get out of it than go off and do something enlightening...

I like the idea of making money on the government and controlling it with taxes. Everyone complains about taxes being unjust but you are getting something in return and this would make it more concrete. It's very socialistic. I like it!